• Are you done with self-help books and personal development videos?
    Get to the bottom of struggle instead of scratching the surface.
  • What if you weren’t held back by unhelpful patterns and limiting beliefs?
    Learn how to heal and free yourself.
  • Are you ready for true insight, deep work and real improvement?
    Discover the truth about yourself and integrate it.
  • Do you know and own your full potential?
    Recognize what it means to fully live life and what you need to soar.
  • What if you aligned your inner state with your highest purpose?
    Uncover how tuning into your deepest truth allows you to thrive.
  • What if your life became an expression of who you really are?
    Learn to recognize, listen to and answer to that which wants to become through you.
  • Contact me for a free exploratory conversation: Telephone +49 152 526 890 93 | fausta@myrealself.ch